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The Mind on Fire: Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent

The Mind on Fire: Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) earned recognition as a renowned mathematician, physicist--and a man after God's heart.
근대의 역습

근대의 역습


정성철 외 역,『모더니티와 시각 의 헤게모니』, 시각과 언어, 2004 Mitchell, C. Thomas. 김현중 역,『혁신적 디자인 사 고』, 도서출판 국제, 1999 Pascal, Blaise. 이환 역,『팡세』, 민음사, 2003 Schivelbusch, Wolfgang. 박진희 역,『철도 여행의 역 사』, 궁리 ...
An other I: the fictions of Clark Blaise

An other I: the fictions of Clark Blaise

Robert Lecker

This is the first full-length study of the short stories and novels by Clark Blaise.
Durkheim, the Durkheimians, and the Arts

Durkheim, the Durkheimians, and the Arts


Eds. Véronique Léonard-Roques and Jean-Cristophe Valtal. Clermont-Ferrand: PUF Blaise Pascal. Chapter 12 Acéphale/Parsifal Georges Bataille contra Wagner Claudine Frank Street Apophasis in Representation: Georges Bataille 257.
French XX Bibliography: A Bibliography for the Study of ...

French XX Bibliography: A Bibliography for the Study of ...


Mythes (Les) des avant-gardes. Etudes réunies et prés, par Véronique Léonard- Roques et Jean-Christophe Valtat. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2003. Littératures. 519 p. [BLF] [Surrealism, Bataille, Breton, Daumal, ...


Donald J. Blaise

Other relatives in Texas and Louisiana and her Special Friend, Janice Costa. Friends may call for visitation with the family from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Monday, February 17. 1992 at the Heights Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 10 ...
C++ for Pascal programmers

C++ for Pascal programmers

Ira Pohl

Finally, a book written for Pascal programmers moving to C++. This is a remarkable tutorial-based book designed to train Pascal programmers to think and develop programs in C++.
Jeremiad Jottings

Jeremiad Jottings

Blaise Cronin

In his Jeremiad Jottings, Blaise Cronin presents a collection of essays that touch upon a range of issues, spanning from affirmative action to academic dress.
Hong Kong visual arts yearbook

Hong Kong visual arts yearbook

More editions

Podium Level 2, ifc mall E? mm Gallery Pascal Lievre ft mi H Ombres Chinoises: Chinese Shadows H 2004/7/ 1 - 31 0 Art Statements Gallery E5 Art Statements Gallery O Pascal Lievre □ Pascal Lievre SllHf;* 1 Painted on large ...
Voi(es)x de l'autre: poètes femmes, XIXe-XXIe siècles

Voi(es)x de l'autre: poètes femmes, XIXe-XXIe siècles

Patricia Godi-Tkatchouk

Voi(es)x de l'Autre. Poètes femmes (XIXe-XXIe siècles) © Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2010 ISBN -978-2-84516-429-1 Poètes anglaises du XIXe siècle : Nous est un autre ou les communautés poétiques de femmes Fabienne MOINE ...
C++ for Pascal programmers

C++ for Pascal programmers

Ira Pohl

This unique book is designed to train Pascal programmers to think and develop programs in C++.
L'énigme saoudienne: Les Saoudiens et le monde, 1744-2003

L'énigme saoudienne: Les Saoudiens et le monde, 1744-2003


Telle a été l'approche de Pascal Ménoret dans ce livre novateur.
Pascal Primer for the Macintosh

Pascal Primer for the Macintosh

Dan Shafer

Introduces the Pascal programming language, discusses variables, graphics, strings, arrays, files, and data structures, and reveals special features of the Macintosh personal computer
Structured Program Design with Pascal

Structured Program Design with Pascal

Gwyn Jones

Enough of the language is introduced to allow inexperienced programmers and people unfamiliar with Pascal to follow the text and examples. The book contains numerous practical techniques and examples of real-life programs.
Самоучитель игры на Паскале. ABC и немного Турбо

Самоучитель игры на Паскале. ABC и немного Турбо

Николай Комлев

С абсолютного нуля до полного овладения языком. Популярный в школах Pascal ABC и вечно живой Turbo Pascal. Весь Паскаль, среда ...
Visual Patterns in Pascal's Triangle

Visual Patterns in Pascal's Triangle

Dale Seymour

To solve a problem, students must establish connections between the number patterns in Pascal's Triangle.
Numerical Recipes Example Book (Pascal)

Numerical Recipes Example Book (Pascal)

William H. Press

This book will be a valuable aid to users wishing to incorporate Pascal programs into their own applications programs and to conduct simple validation tests.
Numerical Recipes Example Book (Pascal)

Numerical Recipes Example Book (Pascal)

William H. Press

This book will be a valuable aid to users wishing to incorporate Pascal programs into their own applications programs and to conduct simple validation tests.
L'accusateur ou La comédie étranglée: soliloque menaçant

L'accusateur ou La comédie étranglée: soliloque menaçant

Pascal Vrebos

Avec 'L?accusateur' Pascal Vrebos dresse un réquisitoire sans concession à l?encontre des illusions et fausses espérances humaines.
Программирование в системе Pascal ABC: учебное пособие

Программирование в системе Pascal ABC: учебное пособие

Ю. П. Чернов

Пособие включает теоретический материал с описанием элементов языка и системы программирования Pascal ABC, а также примеры разработки ...
Mondes du cinéma 4

Mondes du cinéma 4

Pascal Lièvre

Numéro 4 de la revue Mondes du cinéma Au sommaire : ECRITURE/IMAGE Comme ça s'écrit - Pascal Bonitzer - Le scénario comme balkanisation (heureuse) - Shelly Sliver - Marina de Van - Jean-Paul Fargier - Last Man Standing - Lost : cause ...
Royaume d'asphalte: Jeunesse en révolte à Riyad

Royaume d'asphalte: Jeunesse en révolte à Riyad


Des rodéos automobiles aux impasses de l'urbanisation galopante, des banlieues de Riyad à la sociabilité des Bédouins, Pascal Menoret aborde la question saoudienne là où on ne l'attend pas : les marges de la ville, de la jeunesse, de ...
The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and the ...

The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and the ...

Keith Devlin

In The Unfinished Game, Keith Devlin masterfully chronicles Pascal and Fermat's mathematical breakthrough, connecting a centuries-old discovery with its remarkable impact on the modern world.

who called from an unknown number?